Authentic Movement and The Development of The Ecological Self

Authentic Movement and The Development of The Ecological Self
Authentic Movement and The Development of The Ecological Self
(This event is free for IACASE Registered members). Register here
As well as the challenge of the pandemic we have climate change, often presented as an issue for scientists and policymakers, which can make it easy for us to remain disconnected. Human suffering can be viewed as intertwined with the suffering of the larger Earth community, and as a dissociation/alienation from the more-than-human world. Healing dissociation involves reconnecting, and re-associating in mutuality.
The discipline of authentic movement (Adler, 2002) grew from Jungian active imagination. In the discipline our experience of one another develops within deep embodied empathy. A rhythmic, relational dance arises out of experiences between witness and mover which resonates in our bodies in the present moment and beyond. Relational skills nourish reciprocal connections with parts, and wholes, of ecological systems. Embodied empathy is crucial for transformational learning, enhancing our being in the ‘here-and-now’ with others. My practice is informed by embodied and enacted relational psychotherapy within an eco-psychology perspective, cultivating interdependence though participatory somatic awareness of embedment, of being in, and living through, embodied reciprocity with the more-than-human world. This webinar aims to introduce participants to how the aspect of embodied mindful witnessing from authentic movement discipline can support and enhance the development of the ecological self. The format will include a PowerPoint introducing the background to the discipline of authentic movement and to eco-psychology with experiential practices and break-out sessions.
This webinar is suitable for people with an interest in the discipline of authentic movement and/or psycho-ecology and climate catastrophe. The pandemic highlights both the interdependence between human beings and nature, and the need for healing the wound which keeps them separate. Experiential and embodied education within an ecological framework has a role to support the development of an ecological self which can bring about conscience and responsibility. The workshop will aim to honour a non-judgemental ethos, provide/receive witnessing and engage in verbal and symbolic reflective processes, as well as a teaching seminar.
Learning outcomes include:
• Demonstrating through experiential learning how developing our always present, but under-employed ‘inner witness’ (or ‘observing self’ as it has been described in psychology) through authentic movement witnessing practice can afford opportunities to re-connect with the more-than-human world in empathic, embodied participatory knowing.
• Understanding the deep connection between nature and humans to promote conscience.
• Identifying ways to build our ecological self through mindful witnessing of the more-than-human world.
• Knowledge of the links between speaking witnessing and symbolic expression of embodied languaging and visual art.
These experiences of witnessing and moving in the presence of nature/sentient beings can support the development of the ecological self – the one who values and respects the more-than-human world.
Professor Helen Payne, PhD; UKCP psychotherapist; ADMP UK; Chair in Psychotherapy at the University of Hertfordshire.
Helen is one of the leaders in embodied psychotherapy, based on her dance movement psychotherapy (DMP) background. She trained substantially in the Discipline of Authentic Movement with Dr Janet Adler during the 1990s, following her invitation to Janet to deliver training to senior European dance movement therapists. Helen has employed AM in her psychotherapy practice since the 1970s
More recently her research has focussed on the development of the ecological self, and she has integrated authentic movement into this practice. Author of over 140 publication previous research has included the development of The BodyMind Approach® (derived from e.g. DMP and authentic movement) for people experiencing chronic medically unexplained symptoms. Currently, she is principal supervisor for doctoral candidates, conducts research at the University of Hertfordshire, delivers keynotes internationally, examines, teaches and supervises globally and has a small private practice. She is the founding editor-in-chief for the international peer reviewed journal ‘Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy’ published by Taylor and Francis.
Eila Goldhahn, PhD, Dance Movement Psychotherapist (UK), teacher and researcher of Authentic Movement, Independent academic, artist, curator,
Additional Details
Event Mini Content
This webinar will be suitable for people with an interest in authentic movement and/or psycho-ecology and climate catastrophe. The workshop will aim to honour a non-judgemental ethos, provide/receive witnessing and engage in verbal and symbolic reflective processes, as well as a teaching seminar.