Training standard

IACAET Training Standard (ver 1.0)

Updated Jan 28, 2021

All the IACAET Approved Training Programs are offered at post-graduate level. Participants entering some of these programs may be required to have prerequisite experiences or qualifications in creative arts education and therapy field.

ModuleKey areasDetailsLevel 1
Level 2
Level 3
Coursework*General knowledge on creative arts and somatics in education, therapy, community and healthcareDefinition of the term and use, history and development, relationship with other practices205405600
General knowledge of human developmentGeneral knowledge of human development – physical, emotional, social and cognitive; informed by relevant science(s) and other related disciplines
Ethics and multi-cultural competenceWith education or therapy focus at professional level
Arts-based improvisation and creative processGroup dynamics/process/leading, skills in 1-1 work with individuals
Didactics Teaching skills as applicable to practices in physical embodied setting as well as in using digital media approaches
Other training specific to the disciplinesNeed to inlcude training on working with different populations
InternshipPreferrably in different settingsField work/internship under mentoring3060100
SupervisionPersonal experientials, part of it need to be arts or movement based306090
Personal growthPersonal experientials, part of it need to be arts or movement based306090
Final project/paper**154560
Total hours300600900

*Coursework elective

Aesthetics, anthropology, neuroscience, dance, research methods etc. up to 30hrs of coursework

** Final project/paper requirement
LevelCertificationContentPaper word count
Level 1Creative Arts Education Facilitator (CAEF)Personal reflection, or case study2000
Level 2Certified Creative Arts Educator (C-CAE)Case study integrated with theory5000
Level 3Certified Creative Arts Therapy Practitioner (C-CATP)Case study or research work integrated with theory and own perspectives8000