CAET call for submissions 2023 summer issue
CAET call for submissions 2023 summer issue

Following the special edition on art-based research in education and therapy, we are calling for contributions to the 2023 summer issue with focii on the following topics:
Resilience through the Arts: Empathy, Listening, Stabilizing and Breakthrough. Articles demonstrating the uses of the arts as a mechanism to generate and re-generate creativity and coping approaches to stress and burnout.
Crossing Borders and Liminal Spaces: Inviting, Opening, and Shaping Connections and Dialogues in the Arts. Examples of cross disciplinary approaches to arts projects and articles, that aim to bridge and soften the social and political polarized edges.
The Social Net and Collective Memory: Constructing and Expanding Cultural Thinking. Articles that expand current theory and philosophy of participatory and action – based practices in arts education, community, health and therapy.
Art, Education, Community Work, Health and Therapy: Connection and Differentiation. Papers and cross-disciplinary works that provoke thinking about the relationship between these approaches.
Read more details.