Executive Committee (EC)
- The Executive committee is appointed by the Board of Directors
- Appoint the chairs and directors of committees and regions
- Approve the committee anual reports
- Manages, guides and facilitates the vision and mission of IACAET
- Provide support and oversight of all committees. Each EC member will join different central committee and serve as the guide and bridge between committees and EC
- Engage the Advisory Group on annual bases when appropriate
- Responsible for the implementation of strategy and policy decisions
- Report to the Board of Directors on annual base
EC members
- Val Huet, President
- Tony Yu Zhou, CEO
- Michal Lev, EC member
- Devika Mehta, EC member
- Carol Carter, EC member

EC Emeritus
- Helen Payne (past President)
- Vivien Speiser
- Warren Nebe
Events committee
- Initiate, create, manage and plan IACAET’s Events portfolio to ensure the successful 10-12 events per year by IACAET central
- Get central events approved by EC
- Coordiate with different regions to contribute to IACAET central events or local events (regional)
- Liaise with the PR Committee to promote IACAET events effectively
- Create a system of certificates for attendance of events
- Contribute to IACAET Newsletter with event listings
Events Committee members
- Joanna To (co-chair)
- Phillip Speiser
- Tony Yu Zhou
- Feng Xin
- Mia Pan
Contact: Events @ iacaet.org
Education Committee
- Develop a global education and training program directory as professional development resources
- Maintain the IACAET organizational member training program portfolio (online) submitted via Membership Committee
- Develop training courses/workshop offered by IACAET
- Develop the training standards and guidelines (including core competences and code of ethics)
- Approve and advise Approved Training Programs (ATPs) in the future
- Investigate and identify the possibility of distributing credentials to invividual appliants within their various countries/regions
Education Committee members
- Deborah Green (co-chair)
- Claudio Mochi (co-chair)
- Rosa Maria Govoni
- Alenka Vidrih
- Niek Ghekiere
- Devika Mehta
- Susan Scarth
- Malika Ndlovu
Contact: education @ iacaet.org ; credentials @ iacaet.org
Public Relations Committee
- Develop the public relations strategy of IACAET including partnership programs
- Plan and create news, official announcements and promotional campaigns via website, emails and social media
- Liaise with regional directors to communicate our events, membership and other activities with external organizations
- Liaise with media for marketing IACAET
- Manage and have oversight of all public platform including social media
Public Relations committee members
- Saša Hudnik (chair)
- Hiba Shalah
- Jaime Zhao
- Yi Chen
- Michal Lev
- Francesca Ciaudano
Contact: PR @ iacaet.org
Research Committee
- Promote the research conducted in our field
- Build appropriate partnerships with a research focus
- To investigate grant opportunities for research
- To investigate global collaborations for research proposals and applications
- Develop a research page/section on IACAET website with research proposals, research highlights etc as a research resource for members
- Initiate webinars on arts-based research for IACAET members including how to conduct research
- Develop a working relation with the journal (CAET)
Research Committee members
- Stephen Clift (co-chair)
- Kathy Grushka (co-chair)
- Jun Hun
- Hilda Wengrower
- Katarzyna Grebosz-Haring
- Bonface Beti Beti
- Li Peng
- Nsamu Moonga
- Carol Carter
- Sudesh Mantillake
Membership Committee
- Develop the membership fees, strategy and structure for IACAET
- Manage a membership database
- Support regional committes and country representatives to locate and reach potential organizations to enroll them as possible organizational members
- Faciliate and foster internantional collaboration with different regions and fields
Membership Committee members
- Erica Hornthal (chair)
- David Leventhal
- Mia Pan
- Coral Pan
Contact: membership @ iacaet.org
Regional Committee
- All country representatives need to report to the regional committee and some may join the committee as members
- Under the direction of the regonal director set up a structure which works for you regionally
- Work closely with other country representatives and regional directors to maintain good relations with other existing professional organizations Participate in advocacy education to support regional directors and country representatives in order to promote IACAET
- Facilitate and create events and dIalogue activities regionally in line wth IACAET vision and mission
- Provide needs based assessments of what exists and what is needed in their country and/or regions
- Advocate for IACAET in the local region
- Liaise with the arts-based educators and practitioners to keep them updated with the activities of IACAET
- Collect local contacts and forward these to membership committee to invite them to apply for membership
- Collect feedback from colleagues in local regions about the development of the professions in the country
- Coordinate with events committee regarding regional events
Asia Committee
- Devika Mehta (India, Regional Director)
- Hu Jun (China)
- Azizah binti Abdullah (Malaysia)
- Adel Andalibi (Iran)
- Min-Jeong Bae (South Korea)
Africa Committee
- Paul Animbom (Cameroon, Regional Director)
- Nsamu Moonga (South Africa, Deputy Regional Director, Research Committee Lead)
- Oluwadamilola Apotieri-Abdulai (Nigeria, Events)
- Marié-Heleen Coetzee (South Africa, Education and Research)
- Musiliat Ozavize Usman (Nigeria, Education and Research)
- Bakare Micheal Adeleke (Nigeria, Education Committee and Events)
- Melhick Asrat Alemayehu (Ethiopia, Research and Events/marketing and publicity)
- Manyazewal Getachew (Ethiopia)
- Nasir, Taofiq Olaide (Nigeria)
- Abdul Karim Hakib (Ghana)
- Evans Asante (Ghana)
Contact: africa @ iacaet.org
North America Committee
- Krystal Demaine (USA, Regional Director)
- Dan Summer (USA)
- Adam Frank (USA)
- Giselle Ruzany (USA)
- Ivan Magrin-Chagnolleau (USA/France)
- Rebecca Barnstaple (Canada)
Latin America Committee
- Ana Carmen Nogueira (Brazil, Regional Co-Director)
- María Sol Guerrero Giménez (Argentina, Regional Co-Director)
- Lucia Bianconi (Brazil, Co-Chair, Education and Research Committee)
- Ester Trozzo (Argentina, Co-Chair, Education and Research Committee)
Contact: latinoamerica @ iacaet.org
Europe Committee
- Mimma Della Cagnoletta (Italy, Regional Co-Director)
- Seda Güney (Turkey, Regional Co-Director)
- Ruth O’Grady (Ireland)
- Aleksandra Schuller (Slovenia)
- Helen Ilich (Austria)
- Dhanushka Seneviratne (UK)
- Barbora Kozáková (Czech Republic)
- Anděla Kubátová (Czech Republic)
- Markéta Vykoukalová Dvořáková (Czech Republic)
Contact: Europe @ iacaet.org
Advisory group
This group Advises the Executive Board on an academic and strategic level. They are not required to attend the regular meetings of IACAET. IACAET board and committee members who are not active can opt to move to advisory group.
- Dominik Havsteen-Franklin (UK)
- Maria Elena Garcia (Argentina/Spain)
- Elissa White (US)
- Marcia Plevin (Italy/US)
- Daria Halprin (US)
- Irina Biryukova (Russia)
- Nayung Kim (South Korea)
- Ilene Serlin (US)
- Dick Swaab (Netherlands)
- Lee Tsungchin (Taiwan)
- Zhao Xu-dong (China)
- Rainbow T.H. Ho (Hong Kong)
- Tina Chen (Hong Kong/UK)
- Ulrich Sollmann (Germany)
- Liz Cameron (Australia)
- Monica Zuretti (Argentina)
- Christopher Odhiambo (Kenya)
- Oihika Chakrabarti (India)