Movements and Traces: Arts Interventions in Time of Crisis

Movements and Traces: Arts Interventions in Time of Crisis
‘The Body-Mind-Spirit of Self-Care’ Series – Part 2
Time: March 27th 2022
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM (New York)/ 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM (Rome)
In the past two years, we have been living in a situation of physical and emotional strain. We have been witnessing overwhelming fear, pain and prolonged uncertainty.
As creative arts therapists and educators, we know how important it is looking for paths of resilience and relief through bodily and expressive imagination. In this experiential webinar, we will use art and movement experiences to foster a grounded yet flexible sense of self and to offer resources that help to adapt to difficult situations. The use of art and movement in healing, training and education nourish the seed of imagination, a necessary ingredient to overcome moments of crisis.
This workshop invites participants to follow guided body experiences in order to regain a sense of security, based on breathing and grounding. The awareness of the kinesphere and of our personal space are revived through experiencing different movement qualities that lead to feeling a ‘space expansion’ and to gain more familiarity with body perceptions. With the use of kinesthetic imagination, we will find new energy forms which are useful for restoring basic safety states.
This work on awareness processes is fundamental. It activates our internal, observing, awakened part of self, our internal witness that must be present in tracking our movements with respect and compassion, in a non-judgmental way, exactly as it works in the practice of Authentic Movement.
From perceiving our body and the evolution of moving and being moved by a sensation-image, participants will be led to art expression. ‘Traces’ on paper, which are the continuation of movements, will give visual testimony of what happens internally and will define our search for creative sources by the encounter of inner and outer stimuli. These steps will revitalize our internal resources.
Working with body movements and art expression means offering the opportunity to find some relief in the here and now, even online. It promotes an embodied presence in a period of great uncertainty- a period which may produce potentially traumatic experiences. Taking part in this webinar implies an interest in searching for experiences capable of reintegrating in us a greater sense of security. This webinar can be useful for learning self-care techniques we can offer to our clients and also for supporting and nourishing our energies as therapists, educators and artists.
For participants, it will be useful to have a private space to move and some art materials, ready to use, such as large sheets of paper and favourite colours (chalks, crayons, ink or watercolour, acrylics, brushes).
Webinar Leader:
Rosa Maria Govoni
Mimma Della Cagnoletta
Phillip Speiser
Attendees learning outcomes
Attendees will learn useful techniques for:
- Everyday practice to awaken body-mind presence
- Nurturing and taking care of ourselves
- Pathways to offer support to others (colleagues and clients)
- Ways to activate a practice about therapeutic presence
This event is free for IACAET members, register here
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