Using the Arts to Work with Refugees and Displaced Persons in Times of Crisis and War

Using the Arts to Work with Refugees and Displaced Persons in Times of Crisis and War
Art Therapy Panel
Date: July 14, 2023
Time: 9:30 – 11:00 AM NEW YORK; 3:30 – 5:00 PM South Africa
Panel Description
Our global community is experiencing the highest numbers of internally displaced persons and refugees brought about by crises and war. Not since World War II have we seen such huge numbers of persons who have been separated from their families and community and are without home. The war in Ukraine alone, caused by Russia’s illegal invasion has contributed to over 14 million refugees and displaced persons of which, according to UNICEF 4.6 million are children.
This panel will explore how the arts can contribute towards restoring common humanity and dignity to those in crises. Practical examples of how the arts and arts therapies are being used with refugees and displaced persons across the globe will be presented. Topics such as safety, space & place, peer support, collaboration will be revisited as this relates to resilience, wellness and empowerment. Three major questions will be guide the presenters as they share their experience working with people in crises:
Why the arts when working with refugee and displaced persons?
How are the arts understood/perceived as they are being integrated in this field of work?
How do we restore common dignity and humanity to persons living in crisis?
Panel Moderators:
Dr. Phillip Speiser, University of Johannesburg & University of the Witwatersrand, SA
Professor Vivien Speiser, Lesley University, Cambridge USA; University of the Witwatersrand
Professor Raymond Saner, University of Basel / Diplomacy Dialogue-Geneva &
Professor Lichia Saner Yiu, President, Centre for Socio-Eco-Nomic Development, Geneva
“Culture & the Arts at the Heart of Sustainable Development”
Nathalie Robelot-Timtchenko, MA, Founder & Executive Director, First Aid of the Soul, Cambridge USA
“First Aid of the Soul: Compassion Care & Belonging Amidst War “
Dr Joanna Wroblewska, PhD, Therapeutic Coordinator, First Aid of the Soul, Belgium
“A place to be together: using art therapy to create inclusive spaces in time of war”
Dr Debra Kalmanowitz, PhD, HCPC, BAAT, head of the art therapy program, Sapir Academic College, Israel &
Bobby Lloyd, visual artist, art therapist, educator and refugee charity Art Refuge CEO, London
“Portable Studio: adapted to crisis settings with refugees in Idomeni (Northern Greece) and Calais (France-UK border)”
Panel Presentation & Global Webinar in collaboration with:
UJ- University of Johannesburg, Art Therapy Program
FAS- First Aid of the Soul Ukraine
IACAET- International Association for Creativity and the Arts in Education and Therapy
About the University of Johannesburg (UJ), Art Therapy Program Conference
Art Therapy for Social Justice – July 13 – 14, 2023
The format will be a hybrid conference and will coincide with the launch of a new centre to house the Art Therapy programme at UJ as well as the release of the first issue of the South African Journal of Arts Therapies published by the UJ Press. In addition the Strategic UJ funding programme GES.4 has awarded a research grant to develop a website that will serve an international hub for African-centered research in Art Therapy. We hope that you will be willing to share your recorded contribution to include on this platform.
The programme, consisting of the launch of the symposium, a morning of presentations by the pioneering group of Masters students, four international panels and a Social Dreaming workshop led by one of the founders of the first Art Therapy training in SA, Dr Hayley Berman aims to be a fitting tribute to the long-time dedication of the profession, that will finally see the first MA qualified Art Therapists in SA.
Additional Details
Event Mini Content
This panel will explore how the arts can contribute towards restoring common humanity and dignity to those in crises. Practical examples of how the arts and arts therapies are being used with refugees and displaced persons across the globe will be presented. Topics such as safety, space & place, peer support, collaboration will be revisited as this relates to resilience, wellness and empowerment.